Thursday night I switched my Merrymaker title for the Kingslayer one, referring to the 25 man version of ICC.
And considering the struggles we've had with this encounter for the last few weeks it felt so gooood. It's not easy to capture it in words, but if I tell you that I even got tears in my eyes as I suddenly was tossed into the win-cinematics, I think you can figure.
After 100+ wipes up there on the frozen platform, this kill felt very much well deserved. Suddenly we just pulled it together; the things that were so impossible last raid suddenly were if not easy, at least very much doable. And of course it helped quite a bit that we didn't have a couple of disconnects every pull. Actually it only took us 1,5 hours to get it done.
So now what? I've killed LK and in one way I've stretched out my hand and hit the wall in the back of the wardrobe, reaching the very end of this expansion. I'm really looking forward to start working on the hardmodes after next reset, but even if it will be fun and challenging, it won't be quite the same. This said I think we'll do just fine in there. With LK behind us we'll probably be a little bit more relaxed than we've been the last week. In a good sense.
However, before we can do that we'll have to find ways to keep ourselves occupied for two more raids until the reset next week. We celebrated our LK kill by going back to ToC to do some hardmodes we never came around to do before ICC was released, and we got another first kill for the guild, the champions. Admittedly we're well overgeared for it, but it was still a perfect way to end this magic night. "The best raiding night I've had in two years", as one of my guildies said to me afterwards.
As you can see if you read this post at the inn and not through a reader, I've done something unusual, throwing up a picture to accompany it. Old readers know that in-game photography never was my strongest side, and I apology for the crap quality. But as they say: screenshot or it didn't happen.
With those words I end this post, thanking all of you bar guests for your never-ending support and for all your encouraging comments as you have been following the struggles of Adrenaline.
This round is on the house, naturally!
Congratulations! Glad you got there.
HUGE Congratulations from Rahana :)
Grats, I'm glad it was a satisfying experience for you!
Wooooo! Gz!
Now that's hard work and dedication paying off! :-)
Nice to see you got the big guy down :)
Grats!! :D You deserve it :)
Well done Larisa! Really pleased for you and Adrenaline! Now you can all enjoy your anniversary in true style - with a banquet fit for a dead King!
I hope we are soon behind you - we need another week or so of practise I think, but we will ge there.
Huge congratulations - so pleased all the hard work and perseverance was worth it :)
Congrats ^^,
Great job.
I told you back at 3.0 that you'll kill LK. I hope you believe now that you are not lucky. You are skilled.
Yay, congratulations! Very well done and honestly heart-felt compliments on the perseverance. That's how it should be!
Huge congratulations! I'm so happy for you :)
*pom poms and rose leaves*
Congrats! :)
That must have been an epic feeling!
Nice going Larisa + Adrenaline...Ill buy a round next time im by :D
Though i have to say....the outfit doesnt go with the hair :P
cacknoob (the stylist)
Yeaaa on you!! (and your guild) now you can really get into the two year anniversary!
awww, cute little gnomie! <3
Woohoo! Huge grats! *pops open a bottle of champers*
Woot woot! Huge grats!
Congrats on one of the cooler titles Blizzard has bestowed.
Now it's on to heroic modes, no? Enjoy the triumph you have for the moment, in my humble opinion!
The title suits you :-)
Look at you! All grown up and with an awesome title to boot!
Larisa, seriously, well played and well done! Congratulations to you and your guild for the achievement, and, more importantly, for knowing if you stuck together it would happen.
*Spiritus doffs his helm and bows to Larisa and the raiders of Adrenaline.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Congrats! Must feel awesome to get it done :)
Clearly photoshopped.
Congratulations Larisa!
Big gratz Larisa !
I believe you for the tears. It seems that every guild suffers while trying to kill that boss and it's such a relief when it's done.
Those emotions are the reason why I love raiding, when your raid is so concentrated, and you know you've been perfect, and then you see the last 5% ... 3% ... 1%... Achievements spam !!! And your heart is beating like you just ran a 400m.
Congrats again. ;)
Congratulations! Love the pic, you look exactly like I've always pictured you would. :)
Grats Larissa :)
Congrats, congrats! It's only a shame you can't be the Merrymaking Kingslayer.
Congratulations, Larisa. You and your guild deserve it. =)
Well, cheers to you! Awesomely enough, our 25m did the same thing last night! It must have been something in the air...
It's incredible to walk into a place and make the fight look *easy* when you know full well it was wiping the floor with you the previous attempt.
Congrats to you and yours on your kill, we're sporting the title with you, too! :D
Congratulations! That must have been quite the relief for you all.
Well done!
Congrats! A lot of the hard modes are really easier than LK 25, so you get to look forward to some really fast feeling progression, especially after being stuck on one boss for however long you spent on him.
Congrats! I got a little teary-eyed just reading about it.
Gratz Larisa, most excellent.
/raises glass
/raises glass
/raises glass
/toasts class!
wonderful, wonderful news! congratulations!
yews, the title suits you :)
Good good! Hardmodes await :)
@Cack: to be honest I'm not a fan of the Tier 10 look myself. I don't like chests that go all the way up to the neck. It makes Larísa look very stiff. I think it was the T5 set that looked so pretty. Red if I'm not wrong. Oh, times... The wrath gear overall is dull and we all look like how I picture melee should look.
@Klepsacovic: what are you suggesting? Armory ftw!
@Tessy: I'm just so sorry you're PC crashed. Hugs!
@Anea, Keeva, Blueberrytotem, Shintar, Rachkalos, Zetter, HP, Monsieur, Sephrenia, Issy, Val, Gevlon, Rem, Tam, Marz, Dwism, Okrane S, Nowimtree, Alas, Fitz, SpiritusRex, Saga, Hatch, Kinie, Gronthe, Beruthiel, Disciplinary Action, Mister K, Bri, Daez, Anonymous, Iapetes, Anonymous 2, Chewy, Gnomeaggedon, Leah, Spinks, Antoxa: Thank you everyone for your greetings, cheers and congratulations. I'm so glad and touched that so many of you wanted to come here and celebrate with me. Boss dead. Inn crowded, air filled with a friendly banter. Time to relax and contemplate, still lingering in the sweet aftermath of the victory. What else could a gnome really wish for? There may be hardships ahead of us, but right now I'm just here enjoying it all, not paying the future the slightest thought.
Once again: thank you all!
Woohoo! Congratulations!
Congrats! I felt the same sense of achievement when we down LK 10 - great work to Blizz to make us feel this way.
However, one sad comment: I've only done LK once. Since then the focus has been on hard-modes, so we haven't seen him since.
Given HM > LK normal for gear, there is no incentive to go back, which is a real loss for those people who weren't online for our only kill.
@Mycroft: thanks!
@Wulfstan: I really hope we'll come back soon to get those who weren't online their title. As far as I know of you don't have to kill ALL on hardmode, you can pick those you want to and then work your way up to LK again.
@Syrien: Awww! Nothing makes me happier than one of those dwelling in the dark corners of the inn taking the step out in the light, saying hi! Cheers!
something here for you.
@Tristan: hehe, that commercial - which is Swedish by the way, just like me - is brilliant. It's the first time I've seen it used with a WoW avatar, and it certainly gave me giggles! Cheers and thanks!
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